
How much do we know ourselves?

How much do we know ourselves?

These pieces were made with the help of a variety of people who visited Fang-Liao artist village from December 5th to 8th.The collection of signatures on wooden boards, finger prints and clay carved likenesses come from many different visitors.Later on, these pieces will be exhibited in different locations and the names, fingerprints, and carved likenesses, will be observed by others with the question begging, ‘Can we possibly know a person just from seeing their name and likeness?’ These questions are the beginning of the path towards finding out how we can truly leave a mark on this earth that accurately represents our true selves in our brief lifetimes. 

本作品透過在201312/5~12/8間於枋寮藝術村內往來的人群,留下代表自己的指印與姓名,並刻劃自己的臉型輪廓等活動所記錄下來的過程符號,在活動結束後運用此期間所留下的符號與印記重現於相異的展示空間中。這些符號皆代表着每一個人存在的標示,在相異的空間中與互不相識的觀者對話,透過這些標示共同探討存在與認同。 人與人剛初識之際,皆會相互的留下屬於自己的稱呼與聯絡方式以及給予對方模糊或深刻的印象,人們認為這些即是足以代表個人自己專屬的符號,倘若我們只單一的觀看這些符號並在一個互不相識的狀態下,是否這些符號已足夠說明擁有符號者的一切呢?